Historic Elhabitante

Possible publication of their lesser-known texts, with a street name and a day in his honor are some of the planesparacelebrar elcentenario birth Salvadoran diplomat Rodolfo Barón Castro (January 31 1909-1986). If you are preparing a study about it, but haven't yet chosen a topic, buy sociology paper to find out what people think about it and, based on the answers, formulate a topic and plan.

For Salvadoreña Academy of History, Barón Castro has a special place in the development of historical research in the country. “When published in 1942 ‘The population of El Salvador’ was the first time that demographic history was in a Latin American country … he was a pioneer in this,” said Carlos Cañas Dinarte, a member of the institution.

“The population of El Salvador “, a national study on the demography since pre-Columbian times, colonial and national, is now an essential book to learn about this issue. Another important book is his” History of the town of San Salvador “(1950 ) and the biography of José Matías Delgado. The lawyer also departed for Spain in 1928 to work in the Foreign Service Salvadoreño imposed before and after the historical studies through its scientific methods for research, Cañas agrgó Dinarte.

Therefore, the Academy is planning a day of conferences, coninvitados-aúnnoconfirmados; the possible publication of certain articles were scattered, some on art appeared in magazines such as Spain and Tierra Firme Magazine Indies.

Also, ask the mayor of San Salvador called the Ninth Avenue North (passing in front of the House of Academies) Rodolfo Barón Castro, said the national history.

Activity prior to its centennial is the prize municipal Rodolfo Barón Castro socioculturalquecierra to research your call tomorrow.

Among other publications Salvadoran diplomat and historian in Spain are “Pedro de Alvarado” (1943), “Españolismoy antiespañolismo in Hispanic America. People from the Latin American Independence” (1950).

To adopt as a second home Spain, the library staff Barón Castro was there. He is currently in the Municipal Archives Moguer (Andalusia).
by Adda Montalvo, El Diario de Hoy, Tuesday October 14 2008 [email protected]

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